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I am an old blogger who has found their way back to the internet. I love being a mom, an African American, spending time with my husband and shopping online. I waste time on Facebook and I do not spend enough time on Twitter. Reading is my favorite past time but bad reality shows are my guilty pleasure. Here, I blog about parenting, businesses and their successes, and innovation.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Boy likes to POTTY all the time.....POTTY ALL THE TIME!

This morning was a great morning! I woke up early because this is bench mark exam week for my oldest and the school says he needs a good breakfast to get his mind right for those exams. Why this is the only time they suggest you feed your kid a good meal before school is beyond me.....but I complied and made bacon to go with the usual toaster waffles. When I woke the boys up this morning, my husband was still asleep. So, I was alone for the first few minutes with the kids. My oldest woke up and went straight for the bathroom. I pulled my younger monster out of the crib and grabbed the little potty on the way to my bedroom. He usually never does anything in this potty but I make him sit anyway. Who knows when he will decide to leave a little surprise! So, I turned on Sesame Street and got dressed.

I went to the kitchen and pulled the bacon out of the oven. My baby came into the kitchen and says, "Mommy, Pee Pee Potty." He says this all the time. I really just ignore him because it never means anything. I fix the oldest one's plate and go get pull-up so the little one can eat, too. He is still saying, "Pee Pee, Potty!" Finally, I go to my bedroom and see my little surprise came today. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, pee pee entered the potty, stayed in bounds and scored! TOUCH DOWN! Or should I say, A HOLE IN ONE? I don't know, but who cares. He peed in that pot!

I was so excited that I started doing the potty dance, not that confusing one on the Pull Ups commercial* but our own version that sort of mimics Eddie Murphy's one hit wonder--Party All the Time. Even my oldest chimes in. My husband hears the commotion and I tell him with all excitement that the boy peed in the potty. I swear you would have thought I won the lottery or something. You want to know what my husband said?

"Yeah, I heard the singing."

He said this so nonchalantly. I swear he is so cool.** But for this occassion, can I get the song and dance from him, too? We should have all been getting our groove on this morning. I am still feeling so good about it that I am going to get my party going again right here at my desk. Feel free to join in.

*Is it me or does that look like some Saturday Night Live skit? What makes matters worse is that Dude looks like Kenan Thompson
**Future reference: My husband is cooler that Obama, yeah I said it.


Diva Ma @ Mommy Fabulous said...

LOL! I remember those days. My, how a little pee can make a mom's day!

Man, how are you gonna react when he poops in there for the first time??? LOL!

Mocha Dad said...

It when be a glorious day when you can say goodbye to diapers.

Jenean said...

Love it!!! I totally remember the excitement when my kids went on the toilet. I even have a pic with my second daughter on the toilet at my mom's because that's where she went first :)

Anonymous said...

My little guy is only 3 months old, but I can see all the comedy that is coming in our future!

Unknown said...

Now that is an accomplishment. I want to dance with you!


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