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About Me

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I am an old blogger who has found their way back to the internet. I love being a mom, an African American, spending time with my husband and shopping online. I waste time on Facebook and I do not spend enough time on Twitter. Reading is my favorite past time but bad reality shows are my guilty pleasure. Here, I blog about parenting, businesses and their successes, and innovation.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Things I DID get done

I actually did knock some things off my to do list:

blog (not sure this post will count)I have been informed it counted!
finish a book
I started reading (it seems to be pretty good so far)This book is a good informative read.
get rid of these clothes I am consigning in an event by next Wednesday
throw away my VCR/DVD combo player (I don't know why I still have this)
drop off my Goodwill donation (Should have done this before taxes)
spend time on my twitter account --I am still trying to make sense of it.
watch my recorded Oprah shows (I have 18 episodes to catch up on)I have four more to watch and then I am caught up, thus my excuse for not blogging.
load the dishwasherThis has been done too many times since my last post.
find/buy a new cell phone charger (I am really hoping it turns up before $$$ is spent)Of course, I bought a new one and found the old one 2 days later. I couldn't take the new back because I threw away the box.
Get the Christmas tree box out of my hallway -- I don't want to talk about it.


Anonymous said...

Good for you for getting things done. It feels great to cross off from your list, doesn't it?

Thanks for linking up with Friday Follow! I am now your blog follower. Sorry I am late, trying to get through the list.

~ Lynn

Janine said...

Good for you for being able to cross some stuff off your list!

###### said...

Lord...the tasks of a woman, a mom...never ends...then you add blogging on top of that...

ThinkFeminist said...

I love your blog! I am your latestfollower. You can also check out my blog at www.safehomehappymom. com , i'm sure you will like it as well.

Deidra said...

Must feel good to be able to cross off so much! The last one has me laughing out loud!

What book are you reading?

jmt said...

I'm so happy to find other bloggers who haven't blogged for a week or more. :) It makes me happy I haven't missed out that much on you and your days. Selfish of me, I know. Of course, demanding more posts from you would be selfish too, so really it's the lesser side of BAD in this case.

Keep being productive-it sounds good! Happy Saturday.

Unknown said...

Hang in there ! I know those to-do lists can get out of hand. Enjoy your spring break!


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