My son had been asking about baptism because on Sunday at church we took Communion (juice and crackers/ Last Supper--you get the idea). At my church you partake in this if you have been baptised. He wanted to know why he was taking it and his little brother was not.
Easy answer.
"You have been baptised and your little brother has not."
Yeah Right. Easy answer, my foot!
This, of course, brought up more questions and a great learning lesson about baptism. It was a chance to talk with him about a time when he was a baby. He loves those stories. I have to admit, I am almost thirty and I still love hearing my baby stories.
So, We talked about who was there and when it happened and why it has not happened for his brother, etc. Later in the week he spoke to me about how three of his VBS classmates decided that they were getting baptised on Sunday and they were getting dipped in the water. Well, my son was not dipped into the water. He was sprinkled. More questions and more answers entailed. He had great lesson about Baptism that week. But Little did I know that Baptism is an ongoing lesson.
Fast Forward to the following week of swimming lessons--it was the day they learned to float on their backs.
I am sure you can see where this story is going.
My son was sitting on the side of the pool when he was asked to come forward and be the example. He explains to my son that he "...will need to be on his back and it will seem like he going to be dipped into the water. My son then replies, "I've already been baptised!"
Yeah...He said it.
(Note to self: Tell son how Baptism happens in church like setting, i.e pastor, family, prayer, etc.)
The little girl sitting next to him gave him the side eye. He saw her and reiterated his status. "I have. Didn't I Mommy?"
Pretty much all of the parents were laughing, including myself.
oh my aren't kids great gotta luv them
I remember vbs as a kid I should look into that for my own children
That's fantastic! I can *so* see that happening. lol.
Thanks for stopping by and giving bloggy love today :0)
Thanks for stopping by! Wanted to return the comment luv!
LOL That is hilarious...and they are TOTALLY related. I'm late reading this....not sure why? But your swim lesson pic reminds me that I need to get my kid enrolled as well. But it coincides with T-ball. One thing at a time....
Ha! I love it! That is so funny! Your son rocks!
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