In the words of Mary J. Blige--We don't need no haters! Ain't got no time for HATERATION!
I saw too many green faces. And then when I watched CNN and Nightline later to get the recap on the speech and found out that this man disrespected him even more.

He acted as if he was on some
I don't know where I stand on the health care reform because of all these people yelling and shouting about public option. They are clouding the facts and half the time I just cannot hear or understand for all the shouting.
Excuse me but did someone ever give a definition of public option and I missed it? I have been hearing that phrase so much that I am trying to figure out if I missed this in college or grade school. How come everyone speaks of this phrase and but gives no details? Am I missing the details? Oh wait...I know what it is. I bet someone started shouting what it was and I was instantly turned off. Funny, I thought I would be able to watch the President and not be distracted but oh contraire, African American were. COME. ON. PEOPLE.
And yes I am on my soap box but, I also found out yesterday that my health insurance went up 9%. I mad and that is all.
Side note: Was Michelle Obama on POINT or what? Purple is her color.

1 comment:
Acting immaturely...indeed. Agreed. Yes yes yes. I do not understand the disrespect, but in a sad way.....I do. Hopefully soon he'll shave some of that "nice guy" attitude and let them know to stop ****ing with him. It's shameful how people on both sides of party lines behave now adays.
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