Okay, you are now welcome to gawk.

(desktop no one uses)

(Victoria's Secret is the bag: She actually hides a gap in the blinds)

(Oh the shame of how this corner of my bedroom looks like a college dorm)

(yes I see the fire hazard, but don't I have good taste in reading materials?)
Whew, now that I have shamed myself beyond no end --please join us in de-cluttering. Go here and follow the directions and show your shame too!
Hey there! Thanks for stopping in recently. I really like your blog. It's so honest and fresh. We are in midst of decluttering as well. You'll get there. We all will. ;o)
My best, Lynn
Is this your mess or your clean up. Because if this is the mess, you have nothing to complain about... sorry.
I didn't find the post about getting things organized until today. However, I'm with Jewelry Rockstar... you don't need to worry about your "mess" -- you should see mine! (YIKES!) ...or, maybe not! ;)
~Anita (aka HSB Suzanne)
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