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About Me

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I am an old blogger who has found their way back to the internet. I love being a mom, an African American, spending time with my husband and shopping online. I waste time on Facebook and I do not spend enough time on Twitter. Reading is my favorite past time but bad reality shows are my guilty pleasure. Here, I blog about parenting, businesses and their successes, and innovation.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Things I DID get done

I actually did knock some things off my to do list:

blog (not sure this post will count)I have been informed it counted!
finish a book
I started reading (it seems to be pretty good so far)This book is a good informative read.
get rid of these clothes I am consigning in an event by next Wednesday
throw away my VCR/DVD combo player (I don't know why I still have this)
drop off my Goodwill donation (Should have done this before taxes)
spend time on my twitter account --I am still trying to make sense of it.
watch my recorded Oprah shows (I have 18 episodes to catch up on)I have four more to watch and then I am caught up, thus my excuse for not blogging.
load the dishwasherThis has been done too many times since my last post.
find/buy a new cell phone charger (I am really hoping it turns up before $$$ is spent)Of course, I bought a new one and found the old one 2 days later. I couldn't take the new back because I threw away the box.
Get the Christmas tree box out of my hallway -- I don't want to talk about it.

Friday, February 5, 2010

I am late on the Crazy Weatherman--Jim Kosek

I have relatives on the east coast. One of my co-workers told me I should see this forecast to learn their fate.

This guy is too much!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Things I need to do but not today

I am in need of some rest and relaxation so I decided that the things on my to do list are not getting look at until this weekend:

blog (not sure this post will count)
finish a book I started reading (it seems to be pretty good so far)
get rid of these clothes I am consigning in an event by next Wednesday
throw away my VCR/DVD combo player (I don't know why I still have this)
drop off my Goodwill donation (Should have done this before taxes)
spend time on my twitter account
watch my recorded Oprah shows (I have 18 episodes to catch up on)
load the dishwasher
find/buy a new cell phone charger (I am really hoping it turns up before $$$ is spent)
Get the Christmas tree box out my hallway

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

We'll see what happens

I am little bit behind but I still have time.

Visit NaBloPoMo

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Our Weekend Recap with the Ice Storm

We experienced icy, wet, slick, and semi snowy weather here in Central Arkansas this past weekend. We were all stuck in the house--husband, thing #1, thing #2 and me. It was actually really cool at first. I use my free time to get some clothes washed and put away. I cleaned the kitchen. I put away too little clothes and prep them for an upcoming consignment event. The kids played wildly. My husband played the Wii. Everything was all good.

That was Friday at 1pm. By 3pm we were all growing restless.

We began to do switch task. My kids played the Wii, my husband cleaned and I slept. This cycle went on until Sunday afternoon. The kids' cabin fever drove me crazy. All of the cleaning was starting to be done in vain and the laundry was never caught up like you thought it would be since there was more time to focus on it. After this weekend I have discovered the secret to laundry---go naked! I know. I know. It’s an unlikely solution but we can all dream. It’s clear, I hate laundry and even after this past weekend when we practically had the same clothes on for a couple of days, the laundry never caught up.

My husband had to get on Saturday for his business. I was left alone with the boys for most of the day and on into the evening. We watched movies OnDemand and finally opened one of my oldest son's last Christmas presents. It was a train set he received from my father-in-law. While it looked like a really fun and neat gift, it also looked like something my three year would destruct. There were some small pieces involved. I knew this from looking at pictures on the box. I made excuses from Christmas Eve up until January 31 for why it was not good time to open it. That is a record for me. I am usually the push over.

We put the set together and it was really great for the kids. They both loved it. It was a mock train of the Polar Express, so it had all the bells and whistles. We put it back in the box after we finished. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was. Once we all had the whole train experience, cabin fever set in again. Here is what Cabin Fever looks like in case you’re wondering:

And, no, it is not complete without lotion and deodorant.

I don't usually let them do this but when you are stuck in the house anything goes. Superman costumes and all!

Once Sunday came I decided we would get out of the house, no matter what. The roads outside my house looked safe, so I thought it couldn’t be too bad. I, also, discovered that the library was open. Great! Now, I just had to figure out whose accounts had the least amount of fines due. We each have a library card and we use them all. Sometimes if there are hefty fines on one and I don't feel up to paying them, we just move on to the next card. My husband says it is the equivalent of having a light bill in your kids names. I don't care. I think it is just an efficient way to gain the best experience of the library.

Once we got there, I found out we had these fines on each card: $9.70, $18.40 and $12.30. At our local library when you have fines you are allowed to pay them down to $5.00 and then you can begin borrowing again. I decided I would pay off the fines from the card with $9.70. The lady behind the counter tells me that all month long 100% of fines collected will go the UNICEF. I say, "That’s great! Here is my $9.70 contribution." Her face looked disappointed. She told me all my fines would make a great donation, as if to nudge me to pay them all off. I kindly responded, "I think this $9.70 will do just fine today." Once I paid the fine she kept making remarks about the children in Haiti and how our local library was so generous and how it patrons should be the same way. She was trying to pull a guilt trip over me. Can you believe that? I had to ignore that smug look on her face in order to let her finish checking us out. Sheeesh, lady! I don't have to prove anything to you!

We wrapped up our little library trip with a visit to Wal-Mart and the Golden Corral because mama was not cooking!

It iced, snowed and sleeted the whole weekend and we did not once get out and play. I was not interested. I didn’t even take pictures of it. I have decided after this past weekend that I am SO OVER winter.


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